
An electrocardiogram, also called an ECG or EKG, records the heart’s electrical activity, showing how fast it’s beating, whether your heartbeat is steady or irregular, and the strength and timing of electrical signals as they pass through each part of your heart.

How the test is performed

While you are lying down, the technologist will attach several small electrodes to your arms, legs, and chest. It may be necessary to shave or clip some hair so the electrodes will stick to the skin. The patches are connected by wires to a machine that turns the heart’s electrical signals into wavy lines, which will later be reviewed by your doctor.

How to prepare for the test

Make sure the technologist knows about all the medications you are taking, as some impact the test results.

How the test will feel

An ECG is painless. You usually need to remain still during the test and you may be asked to hold your breath for a few seconds as the test is being done. Any movement, including shivering, can alter the results, so it is important to be relaxed and relatively warm during an ECG recording.

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“I’d like to share about the beautiful experience I had in your ER last week. To begin, the woman at the COVID screening station was so kind and understanding. She even allowed my five-year-old and myself to sit outside for our lunch, so I could give him some fresh air and room to move around. Our time with Dr Brisebois was possibly the best experience I’ve ever had with a physician. He was so kind and patient. He listened to my concerns as a parent. He validated our experience and shared plenty of information, and was just a rare gem in the medical field.”
